to succeed
With dedication, you will succeed in your goals.
With dedication, you will succeed in your goals.
to sue
The company sued its competitor.
The company sued its competitor.
to suggest
He suggested an improvement.
He suggested an improvement.
to supervise
How do you supervise without micromanaging your team?
How do you supervise without micromanaging your team?
to sustain
The company sustained growth despite challenges.
The company sustained growth despite challenges.
to terminate
They had to terminate the project due to budget cuts.
They had to terminate the project due to budget cuts.
to track
The company tracks customer orders.
The company tracks customer orders.
to troubleshoot
We need to troubleshoot the issue before launch.
We need to troubleshoot the issue before launch.
to undermine
Negative publicity undermined the brand’s reputation.
Negative publicity undermined the brand’s reputation.
to undertake
We undertook a major restructuring project.
We undertook a major restructuring project.
to update
Please update the client on the project status.
Please update the client on the project status.
to utilize
We utilize advanced technology in manufacturing.
We utilize advanced technology in manufacturing.
to vacate
When should the team vacate the old office?
When should the team vacate the old office?
to validate
We need to validate the contract terms with legal.
We need to validate the contract terms with legal.
to vary
Prices vary depending on demand.
Prices vary depending on demand.
to verify
Can you verify these figures?
Can you verify these figures?
to violate
What happens if someone violates our safety protocols?
What happens if someone violates our safety protocols?
to weaken
How can internal conflicts weaken overall performance?
How can internal conflicts weaken overall performance?
to withdraw
Why did the investor withdraw support unexpectedly?
Why did the investor withdraw support unexpectedly?
to worsen
Ignoring the issue will only worsen the problem.
Ignoring the issue will only worsen the problem.